In the ~ two weeks that our group has been tracking the blog we have seen some impressive numbers and want to thank everyone for visiting our travel blog. Also, if you have also been wondering about all this Qxwzzer non-sense you can click here to enlighten yourself.
Visitors Overview
Absolute Unique Visitors : 1,338
Pageviews : 6,920
Average time on site : 3:23
Total Visits : 1,338
Bounce Rate : 5.53 %
Traffic Sources
Direct Traffic : 25.19%
Referring Sites : 60.54%
Search Engines : 14.20%
Map Overlay
Our visits have come from... : 49 countries/territories
From Such Places As....
United States : 985 visits (41 States)
Avg. Time on Site : 4 :15
Bounce Rate : 5.23%
Pages/Visit : 6.50
Avg. Time on Site : 4:04
Bounce Rate : 2.17%
Pages/Visit : 4.04
India : 43
United Kingdom : 23 visits
Singapore : 17 visits (avg. time 2:19)
Spain : 19 Visits
Canada : 27 visits
Australia : 9 Visits
Italy : 8 Visits
Germany : 8 Visits
Portugal : 7 Visits
New Zealand : 3 Visits
Taiwan : 5 Visits